Joy of life

Embrace the Quiet Moments of Joy in Your Daily Life

I tried to start this article in 5 different ways to make it ‘attention-grabbing’. I didn’t like any of the 5 ways. I erased what I wrote and glared at my screen for longer than necessary to think ‘How should I start this article?’

Then, I thought maybe this is the problem. Maybe, we try to make everything so perfect that the real essence of it vanishes away ,  leaving us with unnecessary stress and worries.

Speaking of which, can you remember the last time you did something just to enjoy it without worrying about making it perfect? Like when we were kids and dancing was one of our hobbies? Even though we didn’t know how to dance but we danced anyway or how we used to sit down with excitement to draw/paint even when (honestly) our paintings/drawing sucked? Or how we wanted to help our mom in the kitchen even when we were too small to be of any good? Or how we used to call out our friends in the neighborhood to play soccer, or square skipping without worrying if sports were a career choice?

Where did all that Joy go? How did we turn into these crazy-worried-irritated adults who are constantly trying to be better, and prove our worth based on how much more we can do in this one single lifetime? How come we don’t have any hobbies anymore? How is it that we all are constantly trying to monetize every hobby/hour of our lives?

Why do we not want to do anything if it cannot help us make more money or grow our business? The reality of our lives is  that we think enjoying is a waste of time and the same time could have been invested to learn a new on-demand skill or do more tasks so we can make more money.

Somehow we have started to believe that ‘enjoyment is earned.’ You are allowed to enjoy if you have done all your work, and if you haven’t done your work then enjoyment isn’t for you. You don’t deserve it.

We don’t let ourselves enjoy the simple pleasures of life because we think it’s a waste of time. Then we force ourselves to work, work, and work until we finally enter the top 1% club.

In between the journey, all we are left with is   stress and overthinking with no way to enjoy life. So, we go out of our way to find what we see as happiness like going to parties, excessive drinking, binge-watching Netflix, or reading books on ‘how to be happy.’

While joy or happiness wasn’t something to be found, it was always something you needed to feel.

For example; In 2021, I was struggling with my career. I was doing a lot of things but nothing seemed to work. I felt scared. And somewhere down the line, I started watching productive/success-based videos to see ‘What is the secret of success?’

After watching those videos and reading self-help books, I realized that maybe I am not doing enough. All these people who seem to have hacked their way to success — they have struggled in their lives and so this is what I should do. Maybe this phase is essential to get to success. As a result, I started putting even more on my plate. I don’t remember doing a single thing that could be just for me   to feel joyful. I was either doing the work, watching motivational videos, or maybe reading more self-help books.

When I close my eyes and try to remember the early years of my life, I can feel the warmth of a slow and joyful life. In fact, just by writing about it, I am feeling a sudden nostalgia.

Somewhere between then and now, I became a prisoner of my own fears, university being the peak moment where I could only wish to be free from my own fear of not being able to become successful. I had the mindset that if I didn’t work all the time, someone less intelligent than me would become more successful than me.

A common fear that society starts to feed us at a very young age. Hence, we don’t let ourselves enjoy. We think we will enjoy ONCE we become successful.

Until we realize that we don’t have to wait for ONCE to enjoy life, it’s usually too late. Either people get old or they become too frustrated to enjoy life even though they have all the money and titles.

Before I summarize 😊, you know there must always be a summary to tie everything up into an it all makes sense knot, remember to always share worth while information with everyone around You in order to create a better environment for us all. Maybe you also have great ideas about anything that you wish to share with us, don’t hesitate, the mailbox is always open. You can reply to this email or send a fresh one to [email protected] . “Be in the know

In any case let’s summarize, so what am I saying? In no language but plain English, I am asking you to not work yourself to the bone in a quest to making more money all the time, Of course, it’s important, very important to make money and to be financially sound but I am asking you to shift your fear: Instead of fearing that you will not be able to become successful if you don’t work too hard, BE AFRAID of living a dull-sad-stressed-out everyday life.

So, what am I suggesting?

Embrace the moments of Joy in your daily life

How about stealing some precious moments for yourself today and every day moving forward? Amidst the hustle and bustle of work, school, and projects, take some time to relish the sweet little luxuries of life.

Picture yourself sitting by a window, gazing at the evening sky as the sun gracefully sets, painting the horizon with vibrant hues. Or perhaps, waking up a little earlier to savor five pages of your favorite book, whether it be a captivating work of fiction or a spiritually enlightening time. Imagine indulging in a fresh cup of your favorite hot beverage, momentarily detaching yourself from the world, and basking in the tranquil morning air, undisturbed by the noise of the outside world. And as the day draws to a close, why not wind down with a soothing playlist of your good music and reflect on your emotions and experiences from the day?

Perhaps on your weekends and days off, you could consider spending quality time with your best friend, going for leisurely walks with your partner, cherishing moments with your children, or simply returning home to connect with your parents and family.

Doesn't this sound like a beautiful way to live?

You don't have to pause your work or abandon your dreams in order to enjoy life. All you need is to acknowledge that life is continuously unfolding, second by second, and that you are entitled to relish each and every moment as you see fit.

The only requirement is this: you must desire to truly embrace life's joys. Recognize that you may be hindering your own ability to enjoy the simple pleasures because fear has woven tight knots in your mind. It's time to set yourself free and allow yourself to experience unadulterated joy in life, without any specific reason or justification.

So go ahead, steal those quiet moments of joy in your daily life. They are waiting for you, ready to be savored and cherished. Make a conscious choice to embrace life's small wonders and let yourself feel the pure and unencumbered joy that life has to offer.


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